Social Community Rules
Welcome to JW Commercial Painting's social media platforms including, but not limited to Facebook®, Instagram®, and LinkedIn®. Our content includes stories, blog postings, posts, videos, images, and podcasts. If you are seeking the official source of information about JW Commercial Painting, please visit our website at
While social media platforms provide the public with an open forum, it is also a family-friendly medium, so please keep your comments and content clean. In addition to keeping it family-friendly, we ask you to follow our posting guidelines. If you do not comply, your content will be removed from public viewing.

We do not allow graphic, obscene, explicit, profane, or discriminatory content, nor do we allow content that is abusive, hateful, or intended to defame anyone or any organization.
We do not allow solicitations or advertisements unless approved by an administrator. Similarly, we do not allow attempts to defame or defraud any entity.
We do not allow content promoting political purposes, candidates, or parties.
We do not allow content that suggests or encourages illegal activity, including content that infringes on copyrights or trademarks.
We reserve the right to retain copies of all removed content for the sole use by, and protection of, the company.
Only post content if you have the proper permission from its rightful owners. If it belongs to someone else, please don’t post it. Copyrighted and trademarked material and other intellectual property will be flagged for removal.
We do not allow content that promotes or endorses any religious organization.
We do not allow content that contains personally identifiable information.
We do not allow content that contains information that may compromise the safety, security, or proceedings of public events or any criminal or civil investigations.
You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for the content you publish, direct messages, your username, and any information provided.
The appearance of external links does not constitute official endorsement by JW Commercial Painting nor do they represent our views.
Employees of JW Commercial Painting and our family members are not eligible to participate in company-sponsored social media contests and/or sweepstakes.
Individuals are encouraged to tag themselves in photos. It is JW Commercial Painting's policy to tag businesses only in photos posted on any social media platform.
JW Commercial Painting's social accounts give you the opportunity to connect and interact with other nature lovers. Share and enjoy!
We welcome your feedback, provided your comments are relevant to the topic that JW Commercial Painting has shared.
PLEASE NOTE: JW Commercial Painting reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at an event sponsored by JW Commercial Painting. By participating in any of our events, you are agreeing to release, hold harmless, and indemnify JW Commercial Painting from any and all claims involving the use of your pictures or likeness. A person attending a JW Commercial Painting event who does not wish to have their image taken or recorded should make their wishes known to the photographer and/or the event organizers. A written request can be emailed to
Employees are encouraged to share their recommendations and provide honest feedback to community members; however, employees are required to make it clear that the content contains their personal opinions and does not represent the opinions or views of JW Commercial Painting. In addition, employees must follow all guidelines outlined in the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)’s Disclosures, referenced here:
If these guidelines are not followed, the offending content may be removed from public viewing, and the person who posted it may be blocked.